
Mozilla Sync Server v0.14.3-1

An implementation of the Mozilla Sync-1.5 Server protocol used by the sync service in Firefox 29 and later. You can use Mozilla Sync Server to exchange browser data (bookmarks, history, open tabs, passwords, add-ons, and the like) between 'clients' in a manner that respects a user's security and privacy. The service runs on port 8132.

Version 0.14.3-1
Initial Mozilla Sync Server package.
2023-12-06 21:17:44
DSM 6.x: 6.2 alpine 6.2 alpine4k 6.2 armada370 6.2 armada375 6.2 armada38x 6.2 armadaxp 6.2 comcerto2k 6.2 monaco 6.2 apollolake 6.2 avoton 6.2 braswell 6.2 broadwell 6.2 broadwellnk 6.2 broadwellntbap 6.2 bromolow 6.2 cedarview 6.2 denverton 6.2 dockerx64 6.2 geminilake 6.2 grantley 6.2 kvmx64 6.2 purley 6.2 v1000 6.2 x86 6.2 x86_64 6.2 armada37xx 6.2 rtd1296 6.2 evansport 6.2 hi3535
DSM 7.x: 7.1 alpine 7.1 alpine4k 7.1 armada370 7.1 armada375 7.1 armada38x 7.1 armadaxp 7.1 monaco 7.1 apollolake 7.1 avoton 7.1 braswell 7.1 broadwell 7.1 broadwellnk 7.1 broadwellnkv2 7.1 broadwellntbap 7.1 bromolow 7.1 cedarview 7.1 denverton 7.1 epyc7002 7.1 geminilake 7.1 grantley 7.1 kvmx64 7.1 purley 7.1 r1000 7.1 v1000 7.1 armada37xx 7.1 rtd1296 7.1 rtd1619b 7.1 comcerto2k 7.1 evansport